Sunday, May 3, 2015

The following statement needs to be retweeted all across America:   From  Candace Engel               TO MY NON RESCUE FRIENDS!!!!!!!  

I care for all my friends deeply but we really need to talk! This is probably going to piss a few people off but please understand my intent here is not to offend anyone, my intent is to make you stop and think for just a moment. I am begging you to read this post in its entirety and absorb what I am saying! I personally believe that most people are simply not aware of the seriousness of the problem I am about to tell you about, if I reach ONE person…..this rant is well worth it! Those of you who are NOT involved in rescue in anyway are probably honestly unaware of the battles that go on every day on Facebook and in text messages, e-mails and phone calls. You are unaware of the tears we shed and the heartache we experience and the frustration we feel! It is a daily struggle to save lives. The constant begging for money, begging for temporary foster homes, begging someone to give a dog a ride to safety so they can have a better life, begging you to PLEASE JUST SHARE MY POST because you never know who you may reach or who may help. My phone is going to explode one day from all the people who reach out to me for help! I barley have time for my own dogs because of the time I spend trying to save others. And I am by no means alone……there are thousands and thousands of us who struggle every day with this issue……. 

I realize this is MY choice, I choose to expose myself to the horrors of what most people are oblivious to or that they simply CHOOSE TO IGNORE!!!!! I make an effort to shield my Facebook friends from most of what I see each day out of respect and because I realize that not everyone is interested in rescue, and because a lot of what I see is graphic and most if it is very sad! But I am done shielding people from the reality of what I see each day! Everyone needs to see the evil that resides alongside us.
HERE is the REALITY and it is EVERYDAY……..Shelters being shut down because the shelter employees are abusing the animals, 200 plus dogs, most of them abused and pregnant, being seized from puppy mills and hoarders. Lost dogs who simply cannot find their way home. Groomers abusing dogs! Sweet little dogs who lay in shelters in their own waste and in shock for days after being hit by a car without so much as pain medication. Pets being surrendered to shelters because the family is going on vacation. Lost dogs whose owners are located but say they “don’t want it anymore.” Pregnant dogs wandering around in the street……laying in the median because she is too weak to make it the rest of the way across the street while HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE DRIVE BY HER AND DO NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A sad mama dog sitting in a high kill shelter who may have been abandoned by her owner maybe because she was pregnant but when she was picked up by Animal Control they could not locate the puppies. OR just maybe she had her puppies and she was no longer of use to her owner so they dumped her on the street to fend for herself and sold her puppies for money! Dogs with bullet wounds left untreated! Breeders dumping dogs in remote areas. Dogs running loose in the neighborhoods killing goats, calves and pigs. Dogs left outside in the cold and literally frozen to death. DEAD dogs packed in boxes and thrown in the ditch on the side of the road like trash. Living dogs LOCKED in crates and dumped ALIVE on the side of the road to die! Once sweet dogs who have become aggressive because they have been left by their owners to fend for themselves and then ending up euthanized. Dogs abandoned in homes that their owners have vacated. Shelters run by Police Departments who have no interest in locating homes for strays….they would just assume euthanize them than deal with the paperwork it takes to adopt one into a home. People disguising their trucks as county vehicles and stealing dogs right out of peoples yards for who knows what reason. Rescue organizations unable to help dogs because they literally have no money or place to put them. Dogs surrendered to the shelters by the owners they love! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS to a dog that is surrendered to a shelter by its owner? DO YOU???????? They can be euthanized IMMEDIATELY because a hold is not required to find the owner. Do you have any idea how many dogs are euthanized in a weeks’ time? EXAMPLE; In one town, NOT COUNTY, ONE TOWN (in Texas) FOURTY plus dogs are euthanized every week! Think about that for a minute……just let that soak in. 40 + dogs in one week in ONE TOWN because of the irresponsibility of human beings. 
YOUNG Dogs, probably a cute little puppy, all wrapped up in a red bow and given as a gift on Christmas Day, found by the grace of God tied to a tree in the middle of the woods because they were no longer wanted. Sometimes it’s just a skeleton and a collar. Litter after litter of puppies thrown into dumpsters and creeks and left to die. Puppies thrown out of moving cars. Puppies dumped on the side of the road because the owners “can’t deal with a litter” but yet they CHOSE NOT TO HAVE THEIR DOG SPAYED!!!!! I see dogs given away as “FREE TO GOOD HOME” on Craig’s list and Facebook that end up being used as bait for dog fighting. People collecting free puppies and dogs from ad’s on Craig’s list and the internet with the intention of torturing them. I have even seen people who have been arrested for collecting free dogs on Craig’s list so they could torture them and eat them! YES…..That’s right……you read that right! EAT THEM! 
I see litter after litter after litter from backyard breeders selling dogs to line their pockets with cash.……..and guess what…….these things I listed above are what happens to those dogs EVERY DAY, ALL DAY, IN EVERY STATE AND IN EVERY COUNTY IN THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT NEVER ENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I see dogs being soaked in lighter fluid and set on fire, burned, dragged, tortured, shot with bb guns, bullets and even arrows, they are beaten, abandoned, starved, and yet theses dog still want to have human contact. Personally…..I think dogs are far better than humans ever had time to be. What kind of person does these things to an animal? My parents taught me that if you want to know what kind of person someone is watch how they treat animals (and their waitress). THIS is probably the most honest piece of advice EVER! The way one treats an animal speaks volumes to their character. 
We work our ass off to find a dog a loving home and the horror still isn’t over……. the residual effects of abuse exhibited in behavioral problems! Some people may say it’s “just a dog” and some believe animals forget. BULL !!!!!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I adopted a rescue over 6 months ago and to this day she flips out when I pick up a broom, she is just now beginning to trust my husband. If there is smoke or steam of any kind in the kitchen she runs and hides. I cannot pick up a regular dog leash because she is so afraid of it she pees. When I bend down to pet her she STILL cowers with her tail between her legs. Sometimes she just sits and shakes uncontrollably from a fear that I cannot explain. She wasn’t born afraid……someone made her that way! 6 MONTHS in my home and she is still afraid! I look at her every day with tears in my eyes because I love her so much and I can’t bear the thought of her past. 
I am so frustrated! I am emotionally and mentally exhausted from seeing dogs abused, abandoned or sentenced to die in a shelter because people choose not to see the depth of this problem, because they would rather turn their head and look away from the ugliness. And believe me it is uglier and darker and more evil than I ever imagined. I have seen and heard things that I could have gone my whole life without knowing. I have seen and heard things I wish I didn’t know. I have seen and heard things that have changed me forever. I am exhausted by the attitude of…. “It’s not my problem” or “someone else will take care of it” STOP IT!!!!! Just FREAKING STOP IT! It IS YOUR PROBLEM…….It is ALL our problem. 
Those of us in rescue...... It's not OUR problem either but yet we do it! We spend TONS of money on dogs that aren’t even our own we spend countless hours cleaning up the mess of people who choose to turn the other cheek and ignore this. We spend so much time on these dogs we don’t even have time to hug our own dogs. We text, and e-mail and make phone calls while our own dogs stare at us from the sofa! We need to come together to fix this! I am begging my friends to consider ways you can help! It doesn’t take much. If you want to help and you don’t know how……message me and I will help you figure it out! 
Please……I am NOT saying that all breeders are bad or irresponsible. What I am saying is that there is no shortage of dogs, pure bred and mixed breeds alike in shelters and in rescues and there are people who struggle every day to save them. The message here is, people who do breed need to be cautious of who they are selling/giving puppies to. I would like to think that most of the people I associate with would be heartbroken if one of their puppies ended up as I have described here. If you do not care what happens to a puppy that you are responsible for than go ahead and unfriend me now because I don’t want to know you! NOT KIDDING! 
If you need help with spay/neuter or veterinary care, there are numerous programs in your county that can help you! THERE IS NO ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE FOR NOT CARING FOR YOUR PET PROPERLY!!!!!!! If you need food, the SPCA will give you food. HELL…..I WILL GIVE YOU FOOD! Reach out to a rescue for help if you need it. You might be amazed what people are willing to do to help you. BUT, If you are one that consciously chooses not to spay/neuter your pets and continually allows your dog to have littler after litter of dogs that you are giving away or selling……GUESS WHAT…….YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
AND if you can look into the eyes of a dog and say “it’s just a dog” or “it’s a dog, they have no feelings” or if you believe that animals have no soul, I have news for you……IT’S YOU THAT HAS NO SOUL.

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